
Call of Duty Modern Warfare rid of 10 go its own way

Infinity Ward revealed early in the development finished "Call of Duty 8 : Modern Warfare 3" , when there want to make a "ghost " of the new series. Setting a new series which is at a very early decision a long time ago good , and nothing difficult. I group executive producer Mark Rubin said: " In fact, we made ​​a game is completed before there is no chance to think about the next issue of a work when we finished " Modern Warfare 3 " , we brainstorm several weeks , everyone has their own ideas and suggestions . "

"We all know he wants to continue production of the new" Call of Duty ", but have to make some changes, including a new scene, story, characters , etc., as well as a new experience ."

According to Rubin said, since I group had already been done "Modern Warfare ," the first three , so if you want to open in the same world in a new piece of the story is relatively simple . But they are not satisfied with this , they want to join more changes , to get rid of "Modern Warfare " coat. Thus, there is such a setting in the " Modern Warfare " series of context "Call of Duty 10: ghost" , the story plot by Oscar-winning screenwriter Stephen Gaghan build.

"Call of Duty 10 : The Phantom " is expected on November 5 landing PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, and will be landing PS4 and Xbox One platform.

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